Today, I finished the work and travel program. Before I came here, I earned and saved money for one year, it costed me 3500 dollars, maybe it's easy to save 3500 in America, but in Taiwan, it's really really hard to do it, but I never regretted, I had a great time in Pretzel Kitchen😁
It's so lucky to meet you guys! In the beginning, maybe you would think Ididn't like to talk with everyone, but I just couldn't understand what you said, my English was really really poor at that time, but now, I can probably know what are you talking about, I really like to talk with you, although my English is still poor😂
Maybe it's just a work for you, but for me, it's a different and unforgettable experience, so everyone is special, not just a co-worker, and I have a wonderful memory in this summer, I will remember everything in this 3 months and all guys will stay in my heart forever. See you guys😊
目前分類:Seaworld Park 海洋世界 (9)
- Oct 11 Tue 2016 16:25
Sea World Park_馬緯萍(1)Maybe it's just a work for you, but for me, it's a different and unforgettable experience!
- Sep 20 Tue 2016 14:46
Sea World Park_蔡嘉玲(5)來這裡學到的另一件事也是別離吧!
- Sep 05 Mon 2016 17:37
Sea World Park_蔡嘉玲(4)最近的體悟是學到了知足和不計較,最開心的是,受到主管的肯定,那一刻好激動,覺得努力終於被看見了!
- Aug 19 Fri 2016 11:36
Sea World Park_蔡嘉玲(3)泰國同事們的最後一天,她們說前一批菲律賓學生也是這麼做的,甚至更有效率更努力!
她們離開了之後 她們的工作應該會落到我們身上吧
我說 謝謝你們教我這麼多
- Aug 10 Wed 2016 09:43
Sea World Park_蔡嘉玲(2)這一次出走是為了看看世界,也想說見識多了才知道自己想要什麼 ,現在我有更多想法了
- Aug 05 Fri 2016 10:47
Sea World Park_蔡嘉玲(1)- 在美國打工邁入第二個月,有很多感想與反省,其中之一是看見自己的幸運與貧窮!
其中之一是 看見自己的幸運與貧窮
找工作 面試 申請簽證 買機票 出國要帶的東西 這些前置作業都花了不少錢
幸運的是 家人願意支持我實質上的金援與精神上的鼓勵
- Sep 03 Thu 2015 11:22
Seaworld Park_吳泓璋 (1) 我在Orlando寫下人生最"美"的一頁
- Aug 11 Tue 2015 10:32
Seaworld Park_鄭媛之 (1) 關店班拍拍,主管超好還載我回家。
- Jul 31 Fri 2015 17:28
Seaworld Park_莊峻為 (1) 原來救生員也要記憶力大考驗
星期二的早餐終於比較像樣一點了,在烤好的土司上放上一片煎好的蛋和培根,加上一碗牛奶杏仁(almond)脆片,可能是難得自己動手做的原因,特別有成就感,又或是無法像在台灣一樣,取得食物如此容易,品嚐的當下,覺得特別的美味,更能吃出烤土司的脆香,培根的油香味,以及咀嚼在嘴裡的煎蛋,有種難以形容的踏實感,實在是太感動了! : )
吃完早餐後,我們搭乘接駁車去到Aquatica,準備要進行救生員游泳測驗,在走到水上樂園的同時,看到一個個彎彎曲曲的滑水道,整個心就像被曝曬在炎熱夏天裡的巧克力一點一滴的融化了,童年的快樂回憶依稀的湧上心頭,這種感覺真的很棒!: )