DON吃得很開心 我們也很開心
不管我們有什麼問題或是想做什麼 他都會想辦法幫我們
不管是大家的機票問題 想買登山裝備 想喝咖啡 想攀岩 想騎馬 想hiking 想買衣服
或是在super busy day 幾乎全部房間都退房 大家忙到爆的時候 他會幫我們褶毛巾 洗床單 甚至看大家到了中午都還在工作 還會趕我們去吃飯
其實他根本不需要做這些 但他都做了
覺得自己很幸運 可以遇到好的老闆和carry的同事
工作倒數17天 很快就要離開這裡了

Today, we invited Don to join our dinner. Everyone is chef now. Don is satisfied with our dinner and we are proud of that. Don gave everyone a memorial T-shirt to show his thank for our hard-working this summer. I consider that Don is really a awesome boss. No matter what we want to do or any question we have, he always try his best to help us, like our ticket problems, want to go rock climbing, horse riding, hiking, shipping....
And also on our super busy day that almost every room check out. Everyone was super busy. He did towels and sheets for us. When he saw that we still worked during the lunch time, he asked us to go eating first. Actually, he didn't need to do that, but he did all of them for us. We also heard about something bad that happened at other working place. 
I feel that I am so lucky to work here to meet awesome boss and colleagues.
Final 17 days for working. I will leave here soon...


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